Beginning at the Beginning
A very controversial topic is found in the second verse of Genesis. A literal translation is, “the earth, she became chaos and vacancy”. This has been argued for centuries and again we don’t want to get bogged down. But let’s take a minute and look at the translation of the Hebrew word Hayah. The controversy is caused by the fact that this word can be translated both as “became” or “was”. So was the earth created without form and void. Or did it become formless and void. Of course the implications are that if it became void, then it was in another state before. What was that state? How long was it in that state? Was there another long lasting creation we aren’t really aware of? This is called the “gap theory” because there was a large gap in time between the first and second verse of Genesis. Again we cannot know for sure and it is not the purpose of this study, but it is interesting to study and look into.
There is so much we could go into. Literalness of the days. Allegorical teachings regarding darkness and light and the different days of Creation. But it’s time to move on.
Genesis - Chapter 2:
In verse 2, in the King James translation we have our first anthromorphism. Anthromorphism is placing the limited characteristics of man onto God. The KJV says that God rested. God doesn’t rest. The Concordant Literal Version translates this correctly, saying that God ceased. The eternal realm simply IS. There is no passage of time. No past, present, or future. Not even any ceasing. Just Being. This is based on God’s name as He revealed it to Moses: “I AM THAT I AM”. In the second person when addressing God we can call Him, “YOU ARE THAT YOU ARE”. In the third person when we are talking about God to someone else, we can say that “HE IS THAT HE IS”.
Hey, we all have to think about something. Let’s think deeply and meditate on this: The past and the future are just as tangible, just as real to God, as the present is to us. The past IS. The future IS.
To infer in any way that the future is changeable based upon our actions is impossible. IT IS! Does this make you feel like a puppet on a string? Does it make you think, "What is the purpose of my existence if the future is already set?" What do these two questions indicate? I believe they point to your "self". It is thinking that freedom has to include the ability to be independent from God and having the ability to choose to act contrary to God's will. Are you going to be able to choose to be independent and to act contrary to God's will in heaven? I hope you say no. No impure thing will enter heaven. So, your freedom to sin is taken from you when you enter heaven. Does that mean you are a puppet on a string? No. It simply means God's perfect will is being done in heaven.
A very controversial topic is found in the second verse of Genesis. A literal translation is, “the earth, she became chaos and vacancy”. This has been argued for centuries and again we don’t want to get bogged down. But let’s take a minute and look at the translation of the Hebrew word Hayah. The controversy is caused by the fact that this word can be translated both as “became” or “was”. So was the earth created without form and void. Or did it become formless and void. Of course the implications are that if it became void, then it was in another state before. What was that state? How long was it in that state? Was there another long lasting creation we aren’t really aware of? This is called the “gap theory” because there was a large gap in time between the first and second verse of Genesis. Again we cannot know for sure and it is not the purpose of this study, but it is interesting to study and look into.
There is so much we could go into. Literalness of the days. Allegorical teachings regarding darkness and light and the different days of Creation. But it’s time to move on.
Genesis - Chapter 2:
In verse 2, in the King James translation we have our first anthromorphism. Anthromorphism is placing the limited characteristics of man onto God. The KJV says that God rested. God doesn’t rest. The Concordant Literal Version translates this correctly, saying that God ceased. The eternal realm simply IS. There is no passage of time. No past, present, or future. Not even any ceasing. Just Being. This is based on God’s name as He revealed it to Moses: “I AM THAT I AM”. In the second person when addressing God we can call Him, “YOU ARE THAT YOU ARE”. In the third person when we are talking about God to someone else, we can say that “HE IS THAT HE IS”.
Hey, we all have to think about something. Let’s think deeply and meditate on this: The past and the future are just as tangible, just as real to God, as the present is to us. The past IS. The future IS.
To infer in any way that the future is changeable based upon our actions is impossible. IT IS! Does this make you feel like a puppet on a string? Does it make you think, "What is the purpose of my existence if the future is already set?" What do these two questions indicate? I believe they point to your "self". It is thinking that freedom has to include the ability to be independent from God and having the ability to choose to act contrary to God's will. Are you going to be able to choose to be independent and to act contrary to God's will in heaven? I hope you say no. No impure thing will enter heaven. So, your freedom to sin is taken from you when you enter heaven. Does that mean you are a puppet on a string? No. It simply means God's perfect will is being done in heaven.
What is the desire of every serious Christian? To know and do God's will. He has already granted that prayer to those with eyes to see (He gives those too). You are doing God's perfect will right now. Are you confused? That's His will. Have you just met your future wife? That's His will. Have you just suffered a serious evil in your life? That's His will. Terriost attacks are His will. The death of children is his will. The greatest evil the world has ever seen was His will: The suffering and crucifixion of His Beloved Son. All these others pale in comparision to the death of His innocent and perfect Son. And Isaiah 53 tells us that this pleased God. One of the most important reasons for our time on earth is for God to create an eternal contrast. We need the dark for the light to shine bright. One second in God's presence and it will all fall into place. He will be so wonderful and bright. Sin will be so awful and dark. We will be changed so that temptation will not even be possible. Even considering the most minor sin will be repulsive, not tempting for all eternity.
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